Running with PureScript

Hardy Jones

Row Polymorphism



Named Products

We can create a product of types

data Foo
  = Foo Int String

data Bar
  = Bar Boolean Int Int

Foo is a named product of Int and String.

Bar is a named product of Boolean, Int, and Int.

Anonymous Products

purescript-tuples provides a data type that abstracts the syntax of products.

data Tuple a b
  = Tuple a b
type Foo = Tuple Int String

type Bar = Tuple Boolean (Tuple Int Int)


Anonymous products with named fields

type Foo = { x :: Int, y :: String }

type Bar = { x :: Boolean, y :: Int, z :: Int }
type Foo = Record ( x :: Int, y :: String )

type Bar = Record ( x :: Boolean, y :: Int, z :: Int )
newtype Record (r :: # Type)
  = Record (StrMap (forall a. a))


Differences from tuples

  • Order
Tuple 1 2 /= Tuple 2 1
{ x: 1, y: 2 } == { y: 2, x: 1 }
  • Size
foo :: forall a b. Tuple a b -> Unit
foo' :: forall a b r. Record ( x :: a, y :: b | r ) -> Unit
foo' { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }


Named Sums

We can create a sum of types

data Foo
  = FooInt Int
  | FooString String

data Bar
  = BarBoolean Boolean
  | BarInt1 Int
  | BarInt2 Int

Foo is a named sum of Int or String.

Bar is a named sum of Boolean, Int, or Int.

Anonymous Sums

purescript-either provides a data type that abstracts the syntax of sums

data Either a b
  = Left a
  | Right b
type Foo = Either Int String

type Bar = Either Boolean (Either Int Int)


Anonymous sums with named fields

type Foo = Variant ( x :: Int, y :: String )

type Bar = Variant ( x :: Boolean, y :: Int, z :: Int )
newtype Variant (r :: # Type)
  = Variant
    { tag :: String
    , value :: forall a. a


Differences from named sums

  • Provenance
parseInt ::
  forall r.
  String ->
  Variant (success :: Int, typeMismatch :: Unit | r)
parsePositive ::
  forall r.
  String ->
    ( negative :: Unit
    , success :: Int
    , typeMismatch :: Unit
    | r


Differences from eithers

  • Structure
Right (Left 1) :: Either Boolean (Either Int String)
Left (Right 1) :: Either (Either Boolean Int) String
inj (SProxy :: SProxy "x") 1 :: forall r. Variant (x :: Int | r)
  • Size
foo :: forall a b. Either a b -> Unit
foo' :: forall a b r. Variant ( x :: a, y :: b | r ) -> Unit
foo' (inj (SProxy :: SProxy "z") 3)



foreign import kind Effect
foreign import data Eff :: # Effect -> Type -> Type
foreign import data CONSOLE :: Effect

log :: forall e. String -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE | e) Unit
foreign import data RANDOM :: Effect

randomBool :: forall e. Eff (random :: RANDOM | e) Boolean
main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE, random :: RANDOM) Unit
main = do
  bool <- randomBool
  if bool then log "Yep!" else log "Nope!"



purescript-st introduces a data type for local mutatons.

foreign import data ST :: Type -> Effect
foreign import data STRef :: Type -> Type -> Type

newSTRef :: forall a h r. a -> Eff (st :: ST h | r) (STRef h a)
runST ::
  forall a r.
  (forall h. Eff (st :: ST h | r) a) ->
  Eff r a


Synchronous Exceptions

purescript-exceptions provides functions for working with synchronous exceptions

foreign import data EXCEPTION :: Effect
foreign import data Error :: Type

throwException ::
  forall a eff.
  Error ->
  Eff (exception :: EXCEPTION | eff) a
catchException ::
  forall a eff.
  (Error -> Eff eff a) ->
  Eff (exception :: EXCEPTION | eff) a ->
  Eff eff a




Asynchronous Exceptions



Based on Extensible Effects

newtype VariantF (r :: # Type) a
  = VariantF
    { tag :: String
    , value :: forall f. f a
    , map :: forall b c f. (b -> c) -> f b -> f c

newtype Run r a = Run (Free (VariantF r) a)

Conventional Effects



More Row Polymorphism!

  • home-run-ball

  • record

  • simple-json

  • typelevel-sql

  • Awesome RowList

Thank You!!!
