FizzBuzz with Semigroups and Apply

24 Sep 2014

First and foremost, this post is inspired by this post. You will want to read this post, as it’s insightful, short and explains the code that I’m about to borrow. I noticed an interesting thing while reading that post, so I figured I’d make a post here in PureScriptland.

In Mark’s post, he goes on to construct a solution to the fizz buzz question with just the Maybe Monoid. A full Monoid is needed for two reasons:

  1. Haskell doesn’t have a Semigroup in the base package
  2. mconcat is used, and that needs an identity element. Although, actually, since the list is never empty, it could’ve used something like sconcat from the Semigroups package.

In PureScript, we’ve got a Semigroup in the prelude, and I’m going to do away with mconcat in exchange for <>.

Let’s start by converting the Haskell code to PureScript (with a little abstraction over fizz and buzz).

module FizzBuzz where

  import Data.Array
  import Data.Foldable
  import Data.Maybe
  import Data.Monoid

  import Debug.Trace

  fizzBuzz :: Number -> Maybe String
  fizzBuzz = mconcat [fizz, buzz]

  fizz = ifMod 3 "Fizz"
  buzz = ifMod 5 "Buzz"

  ifMod :: Number -> String -> Number -> Maybe String
  ifMod m str n = if n % m == 0 then Just str else Nothing

  main = traverse_ (print <<< go) $ range 1 100
    where go n = maybe (show n) id (fizzBuzz n)

With a little help from bower we can run this in node and get the output we expect:

$ bower i purescript-{arrays,foldable-traversable,maybe,monoid}
$ psc fizzbuzz.purs bower_components/purescript-*/src/**/*.purs --main=FizzBuzz | node

Wonderful, so we can convert some Haskell into PureScript. Something we should take note of is the instance for Semigroup on functions. When I was playing around with this code, I was reminded of on from Data.Function. Its implementation is:

on :: forall a b c. (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
on f g x y = g x `f` g y

If we replace the f by <> and allow each side to take their own functions, but use the same input, we see that is exactly the Semigroup instance for functions. Let’s look at what type this function would have.

forall a b c. (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c

Huh, now that looks awfully similar to lift2 from Control.Apply (modulo some parens). Let’s see its implementation:

lift2 :: forall a b c f. (Apply f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
lift2 f a b = f <$> a <*> b

So if we could find an instance of Apply that worked for functions, we could just use lift2, or its implemenation. But there should be an instance of Apply for functions, the instance we just showed in the type signature above. We just need to sub out the a’s in lift2 for b’s and fix the f instance to (a ->) in order to match our wanted type. We get:

lift2' :: forall a b c. (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> (a -> c)
lift2' f a b = f <$> a <*> b

Interesting! So we could’ve used lift2 (<>) for our Semigroup implementation. I always find it interesting to see these concepts that seem so disparate can actually be connected.

The next move should come as no surprise. We’re going to replace mconcat with an inlined call to <>.

fizzBuzz = (<>) <$> fizz <*> buzz

This works well because it removes the necessity of a Monoid constraint. Well, that’s pretty cool. We managed to sneak in an Apply into fizz buzz and drop a Monoid instead.

The completed program is:

module FB where

  import Data.Array
  import Data.Foldable
  import Data.Maybe

  import Debug.Trace

  fizzBuzz = (<>) <$> fizz <*> buzz

  fizz = ifMod 3 "Fizz"
  buzz = ifMod 5 "Buzz"

  ifMod :: Number -> String -> Number -> Maybe String
  ifMod m str n = if n % m == 0 then Just str else Nothing

  main = traverse_ (print <<< go) $ range 1 100
    where go n = maybe (show n) id (fizzBuzz n)

Of course, this change from mconcat to <> changes how we would extend the program. In Mark’s program, we can extend it by simply adding another function to the list in fizzBuzz. In this program we have to be a bit more cautious, Since <> is a binary function. We can extend it with another function:

fizzBuzzBazz = (<>) <$> fizzBuzz <*> bazz

So we’d have an extended whole program of (increasing the upper bound so we actually hit the composition of fizz, buzz, and bazz):

module FB where

  import Data.Array
  import Data.Foldable
  import Data.Maybe

  import Debug.Trace

  fizzBuzz = (<>) <$> fizz <*> buzz
  fizzBuzzBazz = (<>) <$> fizzBuzz <*> bazz

  fizz = ifMod 3 "Fizz"
  buzz = ifMod 5 "Buzz"
  bazz = ifMod 7 "Bazz"

  ifMod :: Number -> String -> Number -> Maybe String
  ifMod m str n = if n % m == 0 then Just str else Nothing

  main = traverse_ (print <<< go) $ range 1 110
    where go n = maybe (show n) id (fizzBuzzBazz n)

This gets a bit hairy if we need to continue extending it, so it’s probably better to move on to using the Monoid instance as in the original post:

module FB where

  import Data.Array
  import Data.Foldable
  import Data.Maybe

  import Debug.Trace

  fizzBuzzBazz = mconcat [fizz, buzz, bazz]

  fizz = ifMod 3 "Fizz"
  buzz = ifMod 5 "Buzz"
  bazz = ifMod 7 "Bazz"

  ifMod :: Number -> String -> Number -> Maybe String
  ifMod m str n = if n % m == 0 then Just str else Nothing

  main = traverse_ (print <<< go) $ range 1 110
    where go n = maybe (show n) id (fizzBuzzBazz n)